Valérie Wolters




With more than two decades of entrepreneurial and senior operational management experience, Valérie Wolters is CEDEP’s Director of Operations, responsible for all operational activities and logistics management across multiple campuses.

Valérie fosters a collaborative and efficient environment within diverse teams. She possesses strong organisational skills essential for juggling numerous projects and tasks and adopts an approach that emphasises efficiency, sustainability and innovation, reflecting a modern and forward-thinking management style.

Valérie began her career within the import and export sector at Alvack and GCC based in London, specialising in the construction of offshore and inshore platforms in the Caspian Gulf. She then moved back to France into senior management roles at Wolters Sarl, an importer and distributor of raw materials, initially as sales manager for five years, then as operations manager and managing director assuming various company management responsibilities for over 15 years.

Entrepreneurial at heart, Valerie also set up a leisure business alongside these activities, which she developed, managed and sold successfully after seven years.  She has also launched a freelance administrative and financial management service for start-ups with sizeable teams.

Valérie has a bachelor’s degree in international business from CPSS Trudaine Paris and a master’s degree in European business, with a specialisation in logistics from London Guildhall University.